Starting Something New

Starting Something New

I just love this image! According to its caption, these birds are called “blue-footed boobies.” Who knew?! I am drawn to it because, as serious as their eyes look, as imposing as are their beaks, and as hard as it must be to put one foot up while holding your wings in so close to your side, they also appear to me to be having fun.

This picture captures something for me of what it is to start something new – like a blog! It takes discipline and delight. To do a blog is serious business to be sure. You want to say something worthwhile and you want to create the right look. As the blogger, you have access to powerful computer technology, but you still have to learn how to use it, and there is no technology on the planet yet that will magically take what is in your mind and put it on the screen! So in this process I have experienced the challenge of lifting my feet in the air in sync with the software, and there have been obstacles to overcome to get this far. The blog is not yet where I would want it to be, but I’m starting something new and starting is maybe 90% of goal. I am also determined that my blog be fun, whimsical, and life-giving, just as suggested by the dance of these blue-footed boobies.

Some information about me and my Dancing the Reign of God blog:

I am an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) who has recently completed a PhD in Practical Theology from Boston University School of Theology. The degree’s concentration is in congregational studies. My dissertation research was among transforming congregations that had been in severe decline and since have come to experience the joy of being faithful witnesses to the reign of God as it is happening among them and in their wider communities. Out of this research and my own pastoral experience, I developed a process for this kind of transformation, one of dancing to the lead of God. I think its turns and steps promise to assist other willing congregations to share in the change that God is bringing about today in the church and in the world.

I’m taking up blogging on this and related topics at the same time as I am searching for a teaching position at the seminary level and serving as an interim minister in a Massachusetts UCC congregation.

It is my honor and happiness to be married to Steve Vandergrift, to be mom to Nathan, mother-in-law to Alena, and grand-dog-ma to Chloe.